The High Flyers Hunting Retriever Club, Inc., sprang into life in 1992 when a handful of duck hunters, trainers and retriever-lovers decided to join forces. These charter members made a commitment to train better gun dogs, breed healthy and sound animals and just have fun by getting together with their dogs, families and friends.
Our activities include General Meetings, Training Days, Licensed Hunt Tests, Summer Family Picnic and Winter Awards Banquet. We are also devoted to educating the public about our sport, responsible dog ownership, gun safety, wildlife conservation and hunter and dog owner's rights.
Our Membership is both diverse and active. We are the proud owners of a variety of breeds and we welcome all hunting retrievers and versatile gun dogs. In addition to our hunting and field activities, our members and their dogs participate in the show ring, obedience and agility. Many visit schools, nursing homes and hospitals. Others actively participate in youth days sponsored by local sportmen's clubs.
We are affiliated with The Hunting Retriever Club, Inc. which is an international organization associated with the United Kennel Club, Inc. bearing the motto “Conceived by Hunters, for Hunters,” states its primary purpose to be:
“…the betterment of Hunting Retrievers as a whole and to influence the breeding and training of a better and finer Hunting Retriever; to provide hunters and Hunting Retriever a series of actual Hunting tests in a controlled system and furnish an ongoing educational program for the Hunters, for their training, experience, and sporting competition. Further, it is the purpose of this Association to support and protect the inherent rights of its members to own, hunt, bear arms, to promote the breed and type of dog of their choice and promote complimentary conservation and management of game birds and wildlife species commonly pursued by the member of the Hunting Retriever Club, Inc.”
The High Flyers Retriever Club is a group of dedicated retriever owners. We train north of Pittsburgh in several locations in and around Grove City, PA.
If you have a Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, or any breed of sporting dog, please join us at a training day. All are welcome!