HFHRC Training Days
About our Training Days
High Flyers HRC organizes field training days throughout the year. Depending on the time of year, the focus may be on upland hunting to waterfowl hunting. These training days give handers and dogs of all ability levels the opportunity to train and learn from an accomplished group of trainers.
Whether your goals are to make it to the International Grand Hunt, develop a reliable hunting companion, or anywhere in between, HFHRC training days can give you and your dog valuable exposure, experience and help you realize your goals.
Training days are held at various locations that have been secured by HFHRC.
There is a nominal per dog fee to cover the expenses of permits, birds, etc. All retrieving breeds are welcome. If you have not attended a HFHRC training day before, please complete the questionnaire below and familiarize yourself with the rules and etiquette detailed in the documents below. Completing the questionnaire helps us better prepare. After completing the "Training Inquiry & Questionnaire" found below, you will be contacted and invited to our next training day.
We hope to see you at our next training day!